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Music Analysis API: Use Cyanite API to Analyze Music Data on Genre, Mood, Bpm & Key

June 18, 2020

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 02:38 pm

At Cyanite we believe that state-of-the-art technology shouldn’t be exclusive to big tech companies. We build Cyanite to support players in the music industry to make a smooth transition into the age of AI. Besides our web app, our music analysis API is an integral part of that. It aims at production music libraries, publishers, and digital music stores to level up their databases.

Here you can find the API’s full documentation: https://api-docs.cyanite.ai/

Cyanite API Benefits

Ease of Use 

The analysis takes seconds and includes a variety of classifiers. The search provides the option of searching for a specific song and finding tracks by a reference track or keywords. The user can analyze tracks from the Library or Spotify. You can create crates for particular customers, provide a list of augmented keywords, and retrieve brand values. With this in-depth information, the user gets a clear understanding of a song and can quantify the effect of music.

Speed of Deployment and Integration

With easy integration and an intuitive interface, you can eliminate manual processes and focus on efficient workflows. We use GraphQL to read data from our service rather than traditional Restful APIs. Integrate or build new applications in no time. The API integration introduces consistent data types and tagging categories in your organization ensuring a unified understanding of music. 

Quality of Support 

In order to help you accomplish your tasks, we provide clear and consistent API documentation that is regularly updated. We explain the integration step-by-step and show examples. You can send us feedback or an inquiry at any time. With clear communication and regular updates, you will feel supported all the way.

API Scope

Here are just some of the scopes of our music API. For a full scope, you can see the API Docs here. 


Our classifiers are constantly updated based on our data team’s latest research and developments. They include basic audio features such as bpm and key as well as complex characteristics of music. Via our API you can enrich your music catalog with the following tags. These are just some of Cyanite’s main classifiers. For a full list go to the API Docs here. We also provide a convenient Query Builder to help you quickly build queries for the Cyanite API.

Genre: ambient, blues, classical, electronicDance, folkCountry, funkSoul, jazz, latin, metal, pop,rapHipHop, reggae, rnb, rock, singerSongwriter

Mood: aggressive, calm, chilled, dark, energetic, epic, happy, romantic, sad, scary, sexy, ethereal, uplifting

Sub-genre: bluesRock, folkRock, hardRock, indieAlternative, psychedelicProgressiveRock, punk, rockAndRoll, popSoftRock, abstractIDMLeftfield, breakbeatDnB, deepHouse, electro, house, minimal, synthPop, techHouse, techno, trance, contemporaryRnB, gangsta, jazzyHipHop, popRap, trap, blackMetal, deathMetal, doomMetal, heavyMetal, metalcore, nuMetal, disco, funk, gospel, neoSoul, soul, bigBandSwing, bebop, contemporaryJazz, easyListening, fusion, latinJazz, smoothJazz, country, folk

BPM and key: are essentials for every library and DJ. We knew about the problems with double or half-time BPM results. So, we put extra effort to prevent that issue and create one of the best BPM classifiers out there. Key is a no-brainer, and in addition to the dominant key, the API also lets you find the less dominant keys.

Voice: The voice classifier categorizes the audio as female or male singing voice or instrumental (non-vocal). 

Instrument:  predicts the presence of the following instruments: percussion, synth, piano, acousticGuitar, electricGuitar, strings, bass, bassGuitar and brassWoodwinds.

Energy Level: indicates the intensity of an analyzed track which can be variable, medium, high, or low. 

Energy Dynamics: describes the progression of the Energy Level from low to high and variable.

Movement: describes the rhythmic structure of music on a high level: bouncy, driving, flowing, groovy, nonrhythmic, pulsing, robotic, running, steady, stomping.

Character: depicts an expressive form of music that is rather headed towards its appearance than its mood. Provides the following labels: bold, cool, epic, ethereal, heroic, luxurious, magical, mysterious, playful, powerful, retro, sophisticated, sparkling, sparse, unpolished, warm.

Tools and Guides 

You can upload and analyze Library tracks or use a Spotify link for analysis. 

Similarity Search lets you search your catalog by a reference track rather than keywords. We at the Cyanite team love the Similarity Search for its easiness of use, intuitiveness, and usability.

Augmented Keywords are additional keywords that characterize the track. They can be useful in pitches and writing press releases. 

Keyword Search allows for searching tracks based on multiple keywords simultaneously where each keyword can be weighted for its impact on the search. 

Brand Values define brand personality or consumer perception that corresponds to the track. Brand Values are particularly useful in sound branding cases to identify the brand’s unique voice.

Crates can help you create groups of tracks for specific customers or sub-selection of tracks. 

How have others used our API? 

With Cyanite music analysis API you can: 

  • Tag your music catalog and provide a search and comparison function
  • Get audio characteristics and acoustic info for any song
  • Search for audio files with a reference track, keywords, or natural language
  • Measure and analyze each second of the song
  • Create playlists based on mood and contextual keywords 
  • Connect with the audience through a unique brand sound
  • Support sync team’s ideation and search efforts
  • Enable a better understanding of music 
  • And much more!

You can watch or read about some of the integration stories and apps examples below:  

How Cinephonix Integrated AI Search into Their Music Library

How did MySphera integrate Cyanite’s API into their platform?

Songified and Cyanite 

Adaptive Soundtracks and Music Context – How to Use Cyanite’s API in Game Development?

Go ahead and start coding

Contact us with any questions about our music analysis API services via mail@cyanite.ai. Give us a shout-out on Twitter, LinkedIn or wherever you feel like. Don’t hold back with feedback on what we can improve.

Anyone can create an API integration. Just register for our free web app and follow the API docs here.

If you are a coder and want to join the ride, please send your application to careers@cyanite.ai.

More Cyanite content on AI and music