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Case Study: How Mediengruppe RTL / i2i Music decreases searching time for music with Cyanite’s AI

September 10, 2020

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 02:35 pm

About RTL / i2i Music


The Mediengruppe RTL GmbH is one of the largest German media companies. Part of which are the TV-Channels RTLRTL IIVOX, and n-tv as well as the music publisher i2i Music. RTL owned i2i Music is an interface and service provider between producers, editors, and marketing experts on the one hand and composers on the other. They publish commissioned compositions for film, television, and radio and have music produced for the advertising sector. The production music offering of i2i Music is called FAR MUSIC and is aimed at filmmakers, editors, and producers of trailers, advertising, and online content. The platform offers a wide variety of musical styles and provides tracks of all genres for download. The FAR MUSIC catalog includes international labels from Germany, Great Britain, and the USA.


Catalogue size of FAR MUSIC: 8,200+ songs

Alarm for Cobra 11 is just one of many series supported by music from i2i Music.


In the content production process, RTL’s editors and journalists have access to the company’s own music catalog FAR MUSIC, where the rights are pre-cleared for all uses, internal and external. Due to usability issues with the music catalog interface and ineffective search tools, RTL employees can find it easier to use external music sources. This costs the company unnecessary licensing fees and subjects them to copyright infringement issues.

FAR MUSIC being RTL’s own music library


Cyanite’s automatic tagging and Similarity Search drastically increase the usability of RTL’s music library FAR MUSIC. Cyanite delivers the expected music through intuitive search options using a vast range of tags as well as input tracks from Youtube, Spotify, and their proprietary music databases. The solution is delivered via Cyanite’s own API.

Cyanite’s API docs


+ Projected 86% decrease in searching time.

+ Projected 40% increase of usage of pre-licensed copyrights and 26% decrease in licensing fees.

Lutz Fassbender

Lutz Fassbender

Managing Director of i2i Music

Lutz Fassbender is the managing director of i2i Music and responsible for all copyright affairs. He is part of Mediengruppe RTL for more than 15 years.

“We have so much unused potential in our catalogue that we can now exploit much better with the searching algorithms by Cyanite.”

I want to integrate AI in my service as well – how can I get started?

Please contact us with any questions about our Cyanite AI via mail@cyanite.ai. You can also directly book a web session with Cyanite co-founder Markus here.

If you want to get the first grip on Cyanite’s technology, you can also register for our free web app to analyze music and try similarity searches without any coding needed.

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