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WISE Panel Video: AI – Musician’s Friend or Foe?

February 9, 2021

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 02:31 pm

WISE hosted a virtual panel moderated by Kalam Ali (Co-Founder, Sound Obsessed) to connect music industry experts and have an open discussion about AI technologies adoption for artists. Among the guests there were Rania Kim (Creative Director, Sound Obsessed & Portrait XO), Harry Yeff/Reeps One (Director, Composer, and Artist, R1000 Studios), Heiko Hoffmann (VP Artist, Beatport) and Markus Schwarzer (CEO, Cyanite). 


All united by their interest in music and the future ahead of it, they shared their views on the different access points for AI to be embraced for what it is in the bigger picture: a solution to improve performances, to enhance the UX and to give inspiration within music production.

Education is the means to ensure a deeper understanding of this technology, now still highly questioned as damaging to connection people have with music. A realistic assessment of what opportunities there are for artists in implementing AI and, at the same time, what the risks of improper use are, can break these fear barriers.

Finding a middle ground between men and the autonomy of AI is key, especially in these days where a digital approach is often the only feasible way to make life feel as normal as it should be.  

The extended video of the talk is available on Youtube.





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