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Music Ally Startup Files with Cyanite

August 16, 2021
Music Ally Cyanite

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 02:25 pm

One and only Music Ally covered us in their latest StartupFiles. In an interview with two of Cyanite’s co-founders, Markus and Jakob, they explain how we want to “act as the Google Translate of music tagging” in an era of huge catalogue acquisitions.

For the first time, they give an insight into how we are building a second layer of music tagging that will be understood by all kinds of professionals working with music, such as in film, advertising, games, or UGC.

You’ll also find lots of different examples of how Cyanite.ai is being used by music companies worldwide and get an exclusive outlook on what’s coming next.

Read the article here.

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