Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 02:36 pm
About SWR’s new radio app
A music/radio app developed jointly by Südwestrundfunk (SWR) and the Berlin digital agency TBO will enable listeners to fast-forward and rewind through radio programs and to skip songs. For the first time, the decision as to which song is played after a skip is not made by humans but by a machine: by the recommendation algorithm from Cyanite. This is SWR’s response to the competition from streaming providers and is the release of a user-centered radio of the future.
SWR’s promotion video for their new radio app
How Cyanite’s algorithms come into play
Using a logic specially developed for SWR, the algorithm selects the song that the user is most likely to like. Step by step, past skip decisions of the user are then to be incorporated into the music recommendations, thus personalizing the music program on the app. The collaboration between SWR and Cyanite has developed in the SWR audio lab, where future technologies for radio and the involvement of listeners in the radio experience are the focus.

The shuffle button that makes Cyanite’s algorithm come into action
I want to apply AI to my app as well – how can I get started?
Contact us with any questions about our frontend and API services via You can also directly book a web session with Cyanite co-founder Markus here.
If you want to get a first grip on how Cyanite works, you can also register for our free web app to analyze music and try out similarity searches without any coding needed.
3 Ways to Display and Integrate AI Search Results in Your Music Platform